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June 27, 2018
June 27, 2018

How Old Is Too Old for LASIK?

At OCLI Vision, our laser eye surgeons have met a number of candidates for LASIK that worry they are too old for surgery. We usually tell these patients that age is not necessarily a deciding factor when recommending someone for LASIK. There are other factors that are more influential. Read on as our team of…

February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018

Q&A with OCLI: LASIK or Cataract Surgery?

Q: Why would my eye doctor tell me I can’t have LASIK if I have the beginning signs of cataracts? A: The cornea, or clear front portion of your eye, and the lens within your eye make up your eye’s optical system. If either the cornea or the lens is damaged or diseased, you most…

September 6, 2017
September 6, 2017

OCLI Answers Your Questions: LASIK Consultation

Q: I am leaning towards getting LASIK. What all can I expect during a LASIK consultation? A: How exciting that you are considering this life-changing procedure! OCLI offers Bladeless LASIK, also known as All-Laser LASIK. This method is the safest, most precise, and most accurate LASIK technique. This is the only type of LASIK performed…

Services offered at OCLI

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