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Top Questions I Want You to Ask About LASIK Procedures (Part One)

June 24, 2021

Author: Eric D. Donnenfeld, MD

I spend most of my day talking with patients about their vision; how to protect it and how to make it better. It’s what I love to do. The very best conversations I have with patients include lots of questions – particularly important for those who are considering an elective procedure such as LASIK. Since this is a common procedure and I’m sure many other people have the same questions, and as a LASIK surgeon, I decided to write about the top questions I want you to ask about LASIK procedures. Here are the first five:

How safe is LASIK?

The safety of LASIK procedures is proven by a tremendous amount of scientific evidence gathered by hundreds of clinical researchers. Based on this data, one of the largest data sets ever compiled concerning a medical procedure, LASIK is considered extremely safe.

Am I a good candidate? If so, why?

Your eligibility for a LASIK eye surgery procedure should be determined by a thorough evaluation of your vision and eyes during a comprehensive LASIK consultation with your LASIK surgeon. While physical markers for surgery eligibility are important, it is also necessary to take into account your personality and lifestyle in making the decision to move forward.

What are the chances I will obtain the vision I desire? 

As with the data supporting the safety of LASIK, there is a vast amount of research supporting the effectiveness of the procedure. The latest lasers and diagnostic technologies have further refined the efficacy of LASIK,  delivering visual outcomes that are better than ever. More than 95 percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision and nearly 100 percent of patients achieve at least 20/40. The most recent review of the LASIK research worldwide shows that more than 96 percent of patients are satisfied with their vision.

Will I need to wear glasses again in the future?

Most patients no longer need to rely on glasses or contacts, and the ones that do see their dependence on corrective eyewear drastically reduced. While the results from LASIK surgery are considered to be permanent, you will still be susceptible to age-related eye conditions such as presbyopia and cataracts. Should you develop one of these conditions, you may need to use reading glasses or seek additional treatment.

What can I do to improve my results prior to, during, and following the procedure?

Having a thorough understanding of the procedure, understanding what to expect during the recovery and following the post-operative medication and activity regimen are all essential to a successful outcome.

When can I go back to doing normal activities? 

Typically, patients return to work the next day and are back to their normal routine within a week or two.

At OCLI Vision, we strongly recommend that, once you have had a thorough LASIK consultation and it has been determined you are a good or even excellent candidate for a LASIK eye surgery procedure, you continue to get information from a variety of sources. As always, we are here to answer your questions and help you with this decision in any way we can. We also understand the need to do independent research. In addition to talking with your friends and family who have had LASIK, the American Refractive Surgery Council is a good resource offering a lot of information about vision correction procedures.   

To schedule an appointment, please call 833-509-6254 or fill out the appointment form below.

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